How to Make the Most of Your Intimate Office Space

It can be challenging to run a small office space, especially if you plan on expanding your workforce soon. While expansion typically needs a bigger office, companies are finding ways to fit more employees into smaller spaces. There are many billion dollar companies started in tight offices. But problems in productivity can still show up when the workplace is not optimized.

If you notice a dip in your employees’ daily output, you might want to change the way the intimate office is set up. Your workers might not be comfortable with the environment. Ask them about how the space can be improved. Their feedback will be valuable for future plans because the space that you create affects their well-being. A happy work environment is beneficial for everyone involved, and studies have shown that happy employees boost productivity by 20%.

Here’s how you can create a happy work environment in your intimate space:

Use Vertical Space

Since a small office can’t afford to waste floor space, you might want to consider building your storage upward. A popular way to make use of your office’s vertical space is by installing shelves. But if you want a more practical storage solution, use steel racks. They’re easier to set up and often more affordable than shelves.

Fabricator and customizable steel racking solutions’ provider Suerte Steel Corporation says using that steel racks are a great way to organize the workplace for maximum productivity. They are sturdy and come in various sizes. Most models even have modular designs so you can adjust its height and width to fit your space perfectly.

Create Multi-Purpose Areas

You can create common areas that have more than one purpose through the use of transformable furniture. You might find that the pantry can be turned into a meeting room by using an extendable coffee table, and workstations can be folded up to make space for functions and events.

people working at the office

Work With Experts

If you want to change the whole design of your office, consult an interior designer to create a layout plan. They know how to make the most out of your space to make sure employees are comfortable in their workstations. If you’re planning on expanding in the future, ask them if they could make a plan that can support more workspaces.

Interior designers can save you the time and effort of sourcing materials and contractors for your project. They can also manage renovations to make sure everything goes to plan.

Whatever improvements you’re going to make, take your time to assess the needs of your small space. If file storage is taking up a lot of floor space, consider using vertical space by using shelves or racks. If you’re looking to add functions to a room, you might want to opt for transformable furniture. And if those improvements won’t cut it, consult an interior designer to overhaul your intimate office space.

Working in a tight office doesn’t have to limit your productivity. After all, a lot of big companies started small. If Bill Gates and Paul Allen can create what would become a multinational technology company in their garage, who knows what you could create in your small space?