Office Fitout: Key Elements When Choosing the Right One for Your Company

Several businesses understand the importance of a work area’s aesthetics and functionality over their employees and customers. A well-designed and efficient office means more productivity and more business. As a result, we see continuous growth in the office fitout market year after year.

Planning and designing are essential phases for any fitout project. It is one of the most significant expenses your company may have to pay for. Thus, the importance of getting it right the first time. Choosing the right layout for an office fitout here in Brisbane requires understanding on a couple of things :


Requesting for a comprehensive quote for an office fitout is better when you already have the budget secured. Generally, knowing how much you can spend will help prevent you from wasting your time with suppliers outside the budget.

Your financial plan should include labour costs, permits, licenses, IT and telecommunications expenses and equipment and furniture costs, among many others. When hunting for quotes from different contractors, make sure to list down the pros and cons of each company and consider their total packages.

These initial quotes should already include all the possible costs to avoid stressing out on unexpected expenses down the line. Also, make sure to take into consideration the contractors’ assurance to complete the services on time.

Brand Identity

Your office space should be an extension of your brand to become a motivational and productive space. Ensuring that the design reflects your company’s vision, culture, ideas and values helps give your workers a sense of belonging.

This sense of security, in turn, encourages them to produce better and more efficient work. Your office fitout should provide your clients and customers with the same impression when walking into your office as they would when viewing your website. This consistency is paramount to strong brand identity.

Design Trends

It is important to remember that you do not need to settle for a design trend simply because it is the latest one. Instead, consider the different trends to get a better idea of what you want and how it will work for your company.

With an increasing shift toward flexible office layouts that serve both the needs of employees and the company, your fitout design can take a look at the many advantages of this trend. These office layouts allow employees to move into a space that they feel most productive in.

Whether it’s something that involves working in isolation or collaboration with other teammates, the most important thing is that they’re comfortable.

One popular addition in newer fitouts is the ability to communicate via teleconferencing. This state-of-the-art technology allows people to connect with their teammates, suppliers and customers visually anywhere in the world. Breakout office areas and informal areas are also some design trends in the commercial fitout space.


modern office

When choosing the right colour combination for your office fitout, it is vital to select the ones that work best for your employees without compromising on your brand colours and design cues. It’s long been established that colours can impact mood and workplace productivity.

Regardless of the hue, high intensity stimulates while low intensity soothes. Blue, for instance, represents logic and communication. You can place blue as the primary hue in spaces that require mental acuity. They are ideal in repetitive industries, such as accounting offices.

Yellow, on the other hand, is an emotional colour. It represents friendliness and optimism. It is the ideal colour for creative industries.

Planning is fundamental in any kind of venture to ensure that you get the most of what you need from it. From the budget to its branding and colours, you need to plan exactly how an office fitout layout will increase staff productivity. Consider the different elements above before taking the plunge.