Salt Lake City: A Sanctuary for Creative Professionals

Finding the right place for you to grow as a creative professional is hard. You need to consider the cost of living, richness of culture, and the status of it’s creative industry. Are there lucrative jobs that cater to your talents and artistic sensibilities?

If you’re creatively inclined, Salt Lake City is definitely the place for you.

Why is Salt Lake City a Creative Sanctuary?

The Utah capital has several museums, has a thriving local music scene, is home to many festivals and conventions as well as an abundant number of creative industries you can venture in. Both small and large creative agencies that cater specifically to graphic design thrive in Salt Lake City. The city also provides a venue for professional and amateur theater for actors.

Despite being the most populous municipality in Utah, Salt Lake City has a fairly affordable cost of living, averaging 6 percent lower than the national average. The city also came out first in a study conducted by SmartAsset as the best place for creatives in the America. According to the study, there are more than 7,500 creatives in the city alone. From that number of creatives, 1,730 of them are graphic designers.

The city also has historical ties to the arts. It was the site of the first theater on the west of Mississippi. It was then known as a Social Hall built in 1852, just five years after Mormon pioneers arrived in the area.

As a creative living in a city with affordable living costs, you can pursue your passion and save up for the future. You can earn to sustain yourself and save up to celebrate financial milestones, all while doing something you love. A place rich in the culture and the arts, it’s no wonder why Salt Lake City has become a sanctuary for creative professionals.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Diversity in the Creative Industry

In this city, there is a job waiting for almost any kind of creative. There are jobs for the more traditional forms of creatives like painters, illustrators, and sculptors. Technology savvy jobs thrive here, too. Multimedia artists, animators, creative marketing agencies, commercial and industrial designers, graphic designers. web specialists, and the like. Designers, actors, producers, directors, choreographers, composers, musicians, singers, and music directors also thrive in the capital city. The diverse availability of jobs in different creative aspects draw people in to Salt Lake City.

Variety in Creative Outlets

Salt Lake City offers a variety of artsy cafes, museums, bookstores, theaters, and art shops that offer classes for pottery, painting, and music. These creative outlets draw curious artists to them looking for an outlet other than what they already practice. With many options to choose from, you’re bound to stay longer and thrive in a city that not only caters to your creative needs but also nurtures your passion.

Affordable living expenses, ways to master your craft, creative freedom, and a thriving creative industry in tow, Salt Lake City is sure to be a creative sanctuary for creative professionals.