Conducting Secure Transactions on Your E-Commerce Website

Countless security threats could compromise digital transactions, and as a digital entrepreneur, it’s your responsibility to ensure the integrity of your e-commerce business, as well as your consumer’s information. Safeguarding your online business and your customer’s data is a tall order, but it’s not impossible. Keep these items in mind when you’re setting up your online store:

Use a Secure and Reputable E-Commerce Platform

This is one of the most important decisions in fending off cybersecurity threats. There are many platforms to choose from, but a majority of e-commerce websites use WordPress, WooCommerce, or Magento. Their security features set them apart from other platforms and make them an attractive choice to digital entrepreneurs.

Always make sure that you’re using the latest version of the platform’s software by downloading and installing updates the minute they become available. Regardless of the platform you select, see to it that your server is PCI-compliant. Additionally, commit to a secure online credit card processing service to make your site even more secure.

Employ an SSL Certificate

Using SSL certifications is crucial to establish secure connectivity between your site and the systems of the end-users. Essentially, the job of an SSL certificate is to authenticate user identities and encrypt data during transit and storage.

Employing an SSL certificate provides your site with the “HTTPS” and padlock icon. This gives consumers the peace of mind that the credit card information and other personal, sensitive data they provide will be protected.

Make sure that the credit card processing service for your online store is also reputable and prioritizes digital security.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

The two-factor authentication or 2FA is a security process that requires users to undergo two levels of authentication before they could access the site. The first one usually involves a username-and-password combination. The second one typically creates a code in real time and sends it to the user’s verified phone number.

This provides a more robust protection. Hackers can steal passwords and access the site, but they cannot pass through the second step because the codes are sent directly to valid users.

woman purchasing online while holding credit card

Consider Using a Virtual Private Network

Data that’s transmitted over public networks is prone to interception by malicious individuals. Your best bet against cyber threats is to employ a virtual private network (VPN). It creates a virtual, encrypted tunnel which connects you to a safe offsite server. This shields your data against prying eyes and ensures that your store’s digital transactions are safe.

Educate Your Employees and Customers

Your customers and employees should also do their part in keeping digital transactions secure. Inform your customers about what they shouldn’t do and warn them about actions that could compromise sensitive data, especially when credit card information is involved.

Ensure that your employees also follow all your information security policies, not only to secure customers’ data, but also to avoid legal issues.

E-commerce security could be overwhelming, but it’s your responsibility to ensure that your site is safe from hackers and that customer information is protected well. Implement the security practices suggested above to protect your site’s integrity and your customer data’s confidentiality.