Maintaining Equipment: Why It Matters to Your Business

Conventionally, equipment maintenance was not considered a profit-enhancing activity, yet it still cost organisations money. That has changed a lot these days as firms have realised the strong correlation between maintenance and profitability. Maintenance needs for industrial water pumps  and every other machine in an organisation should be a priority from the point of purchase and during the service life of the machine. Time lost on repairs translates into money lost. For this reason, industrial equipment maintenance is the most crucial step.

Contribution of Maintenance

Poor maintenance reduces your company’s profitability. If the shop floor stops operating for one hour, your production slows down, and your daily product numbers go down. Finding the right maintenance providers can help you identify the problem and fix it. Preventive maintenance will also come in handy in averting any possible issue in future. It could help identify parts that are weak and rusty too.

Regular Operator Training

Optimisation of pumps and other industrial equipment comes together with an insightful team. This can only be achieved through correct hiring of the most capable workers and a business that focuses on worker safety. Even with a competent team already in place, training should be an ongoing process. Equipment in many manufacturing companies are often given an upgrade after several years, and so every worker needs to be briefed and trained. Some of your skilled employees could also promoted or leave at some point, so applying the best practices in training ensures that the is easily transferrable.

Effective Lubrication

Equipment with moving parts can affect your production if they are constantly replaced. An ideal solution to this problem is the adoption of an effective lubrication schedule. Operators need to make lubrication a maintenance priority. Signs of leaks and excess lubrication also have to be dealt with immediately. The type of lubricant used is a crucial consideration, as most modern machines tend to demand a particular lubricant for every component.

Wear and Tear

Industrial machines undergo all forms of harsh conditions- elevated temperatures, shock loading, and vibration. All these create wear and tear in any equipment. For instance, misaligned gears in an industrial water pump can create vibrations that could damage the components. Worn out components can raise the temperature of equipment. Machines also tend to deteriorate with age. The remedy for wear and tear is often replacement, so prepare for that when you conduct scheduled checks of all parts, especially the moving ones.

Records and Schedules

Man checking his laptop in a plant

Preventive maintenance involves many checks, but the essential areas to cover are mechanical systems, electrical systems and fluid systems. The knowledge of areas that need to be checked is important but equally crucial is the timing of these activities. Some of the components that need frequent attention are gears, friction materials, bolts and seals. Others include drive trains, couplers and bearings.

Industrial machines are substantial investments, so plant operators must do all they can to optimise performance throughout the expected service life of the equipment. No matter the industry, experience and expertise will play a huge role in achieving this.