Here’s a Golden Opportunity for Entrepreneurial Nurses

One promising business venture for nurses who wish to become entrepreneurs is to set up their own senior home care facility. It can be a new venture or a franchise of a well-established and reputable company. It is ideal for nurses and people from other medical backgrounds because of their familiarity with the medical and physical needs of senior patients. More importantly, they already have the compassion, patience and understanding required when caring for the elderly.

A growing need for elderly care experts

Home care services for seniors are a continuously expanding industry. The population is growing old, and in the next few years, people who are over 65 will make up around 20% of the population.

The elderly also try to keep themselves away from hospitals and nursing homes as much as possible. These senior citizens wish to stay where they are familiar with their surroundings and keep their current habits and lifestyle. This is where senior home care services and franchises come in.

With professional home care services, seniors can stay in the comfort of their homes. Expert and caring hands from senior care providers are much cherished especially when the patient has conditions such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes or heart disease.

Nurses have been trained to take care of elderly patients who have various conditions. In the hospital setting, they not only talk to seniors and explain to them their ailments, but they also offer the most basic care and assistance. They help them get changed, bathe them, assist them in eating if they are unable to do this on their own, and make sure they take their medicine on time.

Two senior citizens talking to a nurse

The same care and attention will only be transferred to the home setting. Here, the nurse will be taking care of the elderly patient for a fixed number of hours per day. They will also be monitoring their health, personal hygiene and nutrition. In case something goes wrong, the nurse on duty can call the doctor or bring the patient to the hospital.

Having a caregiver with ample medical experience can put family members at ease. Instead of leaving the elderly individual at home all day, they know that someone is with them and taking care of all their needs.

Challenges in starting senior home care

Venturing into the home care industry can be challenging, but not for nurses, orderlies and caregivers. With the technical side of home care already settled, they just need to become familiar with the business aspect of setting up a company.

Franchising a senior home care service allows nurses the chance to run a healthcare business on their own. Franchising comes with several advantages. For nurses who want to open senior home care, the business already comes with a well-known brand that has already earned public confidence. They will also receive training on how to manage the business, how to run operations and how to eventually expand. The franchisor provides all the essential tools and support for franchisees.

Interested franchisee nurses must compare the various factors such as business model, training and growth potential. Careful consideration of these factors from several franchisors is needed before making the inevitable decision to open up a senior home care business.